Devotec Solar Sound: Solar Powered Bluetooth Stereo Speaker System


I would like to tell you about the Devotec Solar Sound. It is a new and totally unique product, being the first solar powered Bluetooth stereo speaker system available on the global market. The in-built solar panel can keep the music going for hours and it is fully compatible with all the latest cellphones such as the iPhone.

Press Release

Pioneering music mobility with a green conscience
First solar powered wireless Bluetooth stereo speaker worldwide

The world’s first solar powered wireless Bluetooth stereo speaker launches today, thanks to leading independent consumer technology company, Devotec Industries.

The compact, portable ‘Solar Sound’ is the first portable stereo speaker to combine integrated Bluetooth technology with solar powered battery support – making them the must have travel accessory this summer. Whether by the pool or sitting out in the sun with friends, the Bluetooth connectivity allows listeners to send their music wirelessly to the speaker via their phone or MP3 player and enjoy the ease of remotely sending ‘commands’ between the connected device and speaker, and vice versa.

Superior sound quality is also on offer thanks to the unit’s 2 x 2W speakers. Listeners can now enjoy significantly higher volume and quality stereo sound, which has historically been lacking from direct mobile or MP3 playback.

The Solar Sound is compatible with the majority of phone models, including Nokias, Blackberries and the iPhone (with use of the iPhone 3.0 software update). Plus, thanks to the included retractable headphone Solar Sound cable, any MP3 player can be connected ensuring maximum flexibility.

The environmentally inspired speakers feature an integrated 150mA solar panel – indicated via the illuminated yellow logo when charging. This supports the built in Lithium-Ion 1500mAh battery, giving eight hours continuous play at medium volume or four hours at maximum volume.

Designed with travel in mind, it boasts a compact size (16.5 x 5.5 x 5.5 cm), light weight (260g/0.5lbs) and a 3.5mm retractable cable for added connectivity; an AC-DC plug and charging cable. Furthermore, the unit’s sleek design offers additional features including modern touch screen remote controls, including forward, rewind and volume, in addition to a built in microphone allowing it to be used for hands free communication when driving.

Alex Devoto, Devotec Industries founder and CEO, said: “We continuously strive to stay one step ahead of the marketplace. We keep our eye on consumer trends and design products to meet the growing lifestyle demands of our customers.” Devoto added: “With the majority of the UK storing their music on either their phone or iPod, the Solar Sound responds to consumer demand for higher quality sound from portable music devices and laptops, and steps away from the ‘tinny’ noise associated with direct laptops and phone speakers.”

The unit, including a stylish protective case, is available from from today. Taking into account the recession, Devotec Industries has ensured it continues to deliver quality and value with Solar Sound available at $99.99, underpinning all current market offerings.

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