Al Hilal

Al Hilal

A Tech Infused Life

The technology of today has played a vital role in shaping modern existence as we know it. There are various daily undertakings that have changed forever. We no longer communicate and interact in the same manner as we did 10…

Can A Video Game Go Too Far?

Video games have a long history of pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable. And, interestingly enough, these boundary pushing PlayStation, Xbox and PC games also have a reputation of being very successful, despite controversy. In fact, many would argue…

Tech-Driven Trends Set to Drive Commerce

Nearly half of the world’s population is able to access the Internet nowadays, and this kind of connectivity is now making an impact on nearly all aspects of our lives. From playing the online slots Canada has to offer from…

5 Tips to Choosing the Best Gaming Glasses

Playing computer games is enthralling, especially when you gain a competitive edge against your opponents. But as you become a pro and continuously enjoy your favourite series of computer games, there is no doubt that frequent exposure to the computer,…

3 Benefits of Playing Online Bingo

Bingo has mostly been a game of luck, but we all know how exciting a game of bingo can be, you can actually play here today if you’re interested in trying this game out for yourself, we’re sure you’ll have…